Riley Hospital and the Wells Center for Pediatric Research depend on the generosity of donors to support vital clinical programs and pediatric medical research. Each year Riley serves over 300,000 inpatients and outpatients from across Indiana, the nation and the world. From simple care associated with the health and wellness of children, to the most critically-ill children and medically complex cases, Riley is the leader for pediatric care in the state and the region.
By contributing to Indiana University Dance Marathon, you are enabling innovative people, programs and technologies to translate new ideas into the best possible support for families. This support will help Riley provide hope through pediatric research that is revolutionizing treatments and seeking cures.
Riley Hospital for Children is the only Children’s Miracle
Network Hospital in the state of Indiana. This sets them
apart from all other children’s hospitals in the state.
As Indiana’s first and only comprehensive hospital
dedicated to the care of children, Riley Hospital has
provided hope and healing to children and their families
for over a century. Since opening its doors in 1924, Riley
Hospital has focused on family-centered pediatric care
for any child who needs it. Riley is also home to the
state's largest pediatric research program at the Well’s
Center for Pediatric Research, where physician-scientists
vigorously work to bring new cures to the bedside.
How We Help the Hospital
Riley Connect Program
The Riley Connect program allows members of the Hospital Relations Committee to volunteer with current Riley patients and families. IUDM members get the privilege of vouleterring with Riley's library. Every Sunday, Hospital Relations members drive to Riley and spend time reading books to patients and their family members.
Ronald McDonald House Meals
Another way that the 18 committees are able to support Riley families is through serving home-cooked meals to the family members currently staying at the Ronald McDonald House (RMH). The RMH is a resource for families who need to stay close to their children at Riley. With two locations at Riley, one inside the hospital and one located across the street, we are able to serve the families of Riley patients.
​Riley Week
Riley Week is dedicated to educating IUDM and the IU campus all about our cause: Riley Hospital for Children. This week is coordinated by Hospital Relations Committee. During Riley week, Hospital Relations puts on various activities such as Riley Trivia Night, Doc Talk, special committee meetings and more! A highlight of the week is the Doc Talk, where students have the incredible opportunity to hear from a Riley professionals, such as Child-life Specialist, nurses, doctors, and more! Riley Week is a special opportunity to learn more about the cause we fundraise for.