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Riley Week 2021 is Here!


By: Sarah Pfeiffer

Riley Week is here! While the committees are preparing for a fun week full of education, inspiration and of course fundraising, this is the perfect time to review all things Riley Hospital for Children for one of the most important weeks of the IU Dance Marathon year.

What is Riley Week?

Riley Week occurs at the beginning of Spring Fundraising Challenge each year with the main goal of educating donors and participants on what Riley Hospital for Children does. The annual event is put on by the Hospital Relations committee and spotlights how IUDM’s fundraising affects the hospital. The week acts as an important reminder that our mission is “For The Kids” now, tomorrow and forever.

What will this year’s week look like?

This year’s Riley Week highlights the amazing accomplishments Riley Hospital for Children has achieved in the last 100 years and looks optimistically toward the even greater things Riley can do in the next 100 years and beyond.

Hospital Relations education chair Noor Heintzelman said cause connection is such an important aspect of Riley Week.

“A lot of the time people do not understand where or what they are donating to,” Heintzelman said. “Riley Week provides a great opportunity to educate donors and family members to understand exactly where their money is going and how it is being used.”

What’s on the schedule?

Our wonderful Hospital Relations committee has prepared a plethora of innovative events for each day of the week to celebrate the past and inspire the future for Riley Hospital for Children..

Monday will focus on the history of Riley and the purpose of the hospital. Tuesday will focus on education about clinical care, which is what 25% of IUDM’s total funds. There will also be a dine to donate at Five Guys from 4 to 10 p.m.

Wednesday will look at where the other 75% of IUDM’s fundraising goes, which is toward research at Riley.

On Thursday, one of Riley’s very own doctors, Dr. Chandy John, will join Hospital Relations Director Jon Walts on Zoom for the “Doc Talk.” This conversation will take place for the entire organization so Dr. John can discuss operations at the hospital and how IUDM donations are assisting them in their work. IUDM participants, alumni and donors are all encouraged to attend and must register beforehand.

And Friday yields a contemplative recap of the week as well as a chance to steward all of our amazing donors. Get ready for an inspirational week full of education, informative and encouraging hospital statistics and a socially distanced bonding with everyone involved in the IUDM community centered around our mission for the kids now, tomorrow and forever.


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